Both of These Things (Are Not Like the Others) – Part 2

To recap last week, I kicked off my analysis of the two most recent organizations to form under a non-partisan flag; No Labels and The Centrist Project.  In the first installment, I tried to give you a feel for the shared vision that brings them together and the wholly independent strategies they’re taking to achieve it.  This week, I’ll be breaking apart each organization’s agenda, outlining their most critical ideas for political reform, and grouping like items to arrive at a comprehensive, and definitively non-partisan, reform agenda.

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Both of These Things (Are Not Like the Others) – Part 1

So last week I promised a two-part rundown on my two favorite non-partisan and/or Centrist political organizations, No Labels and the Centrist Project.  I’ll kick it off today with part one, a look into each organization’s mission and the fundamental vision both of these organizations tie into.

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Critical Thinking Meets Your Inner Cent

Sometimes I wonder just how customary it is of pundits these days to do all the work for you in forming your opinion…

I can just see them now, carefully crafting just the right mix of metaphor and simile to lay the smack down just hard enough to make your minds meld.  Toiling away at the perfect copy that’s so SEO savvy as to send you to all the right sites; sites that are ever-so-gently suspending your disbelief enough to dispel your inner Centrist.

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